You Can’t Miss When Decorating With This Storm Troopers Art and Decor


Storm Trooper Decor/Society6

"If only you knew the power of the dark side." May 4th may be known as "Star Wars Day" by fans around the world, but May 5th, is all about celebrating the Revenge of the Fifth. And, what's greater—four or five?

Whether the dark side is in your blood or you're just looking for some Star Wars-inspired décor, revamp your space with dark side-inspired fan art from Society6.

Set the Scene With a Wall Mural

No one said that the dark side can't be cute. Set the (dark) mood for your place with a piece like the "The Floral Awakens" wall mural by Josh Ln. Featuring BB-8, storm trooper helmets and more, this wall mural is perfect for your abode, or dare we say, your heart of Darthness.

"The Floral Awakens" by Josh Ln Wall Mural

Decorate the Walls

A good piece of art can make your room, so why not decorate with art prints as diverse as the galaxy. Start with some framed prints, like the "Battle Droids" print by Maggie Stephenson. The monochromatic print will go with almost any room, from muted to bold colors. Maybe even aim for a gallery wall dedicated to celebrating all things from the dark side. To that, we say, "roger, roger."

"Battle Droids" by Maggie Stephenson Framed Art Print

If you want to add some texture, depth and dimension to your place, consider adding wood wall art, like the "Look Sir, Droids! – Stormtrooper" by Matthew Taylor Wilson. The Baltic Birch wood art comes with nine wood squares that allow for you to place them closer together or further apart. Or mix it up for a Tetris-style storm trooper.

"Look Sir, Droids! - Stormtrooper" by Matthew Taylor Wilson Wood Wall Art

Don't Forget Table Accessories

Your personal death star wouldn't be complete without some accessories. The "Galactic Empire Troopers" acrylic box by Josh Ln is the perfect addition to clear the clutter. Add one or two of these acrylic boxes to store small knickknacks (or your keys to your starfighter?).

"Galactic Empire Troopers" by Josh Ln Acrylic Box

No one said the dark side has to be dark. Finish your Star Wars abode with an acrylic tray like the "Dark Side – Darth Vader" tray by ilovedoodle. The perfect pop of color for your Galactic Empire.

Most importantly, have fun with your décor. The dark side likes to have more fun. And, you know what they say. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

"Dark Side - Darth Vader" by ilovedoodle Acrylic Tray


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