DIY T-Shirt Yarn Rug


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Wondering what to do with all of those old t-shirts hanging around your closets and lurking in your drawers? Before you throw them out or give them away, make some t-shirt yarn. Then grab a mesh rug canvas, a latch hook , a cup of your favorite beverage and get set up in front of your favorite tv series. You might get hooked on rug making when you find out how relaxing it is to create these beautiful no-waste projects. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts. ‘ class=”video-content”> Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Things You’ll Need

  • T-shirt yarn from 10 t-shirts of various colors (for a 36-inch x 24-inch rug)

  • Sharp scissors

  • Mesh rug canvas

  • Comfort grip latch hook

  • Marker

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 1

Make t-shirt yarn from ten t-shirts. Click here to find out how to make the yarn.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 2

Cut the yarn into 5-inch pieces.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 3

Draw your desired rug design onto the mesh rug canvas with a marker.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 4

Push the latch hook through a square. The hinge should be in an open position.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 5

Fold one of the yarn strips in half and loop it onto the hook.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 6

Pull the hook through the square. Stop when the yarn is halfway through. The hinge will close as you pull it through to keep the yarn in place.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts. Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 7

Push the latch hook through the loop and hook it around the ends of the yarn strip.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 8

Pull the ends through the loop and pull tight with your fingers.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts. Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Step 9

Continue to hook and loop the yarn through the holes in the mesh. Use the drawn design lines on the mesh to determine when to switch the yarn color.

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.

Hooked on making rugs!

Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts. Rug making is a relaxing way to create a beautiful no-waste project. Your friends will be shocked when you tell them that you created this mod, shag rug from old t-shirts.


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