Homemade Glass and Mirror Cleaning Wipes


Making your own homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes is easy to do with just two ingredients, some towelettes, and a recycled baby wipes container. These wipes make glass and mirror cleaning a snap.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Things You’ll Need

  • 3/4 cup of distilled water

  • 3/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol

  • Disposable towelettes

  • Empty baby wipes container

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Step 1: Add towelettes to the baby wipe container.

Just fill the container to the top with towelettes. If you can't find towelettes at your store, you can use high quality disposable napkins.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Step 2: Add 3/4 cup of distilled water.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Step 3: Add 3/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Step 4: Close lid and shake well.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

Step 5: Pull one wipe through the top of the container.

homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes

To use, pull out a wipe and use it to clean the surface of your glass and mirrors without any streaks! The alcohol in this recipe helps the surface dry very quickly without streaks and left over condensation.


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