3 Easy Hacks to Remove Pet Hair From Furniture


We all love our fur babies dearly, but that doesn't mean we have to love the layer of hair they often leave behind on our furniture. Skip the loud, heavy vacuum cleaner and remove the mess with one of these 3 quicker (and quieter) hacks! Your couch will remain in tip-top condition, and guests will definitely appreciate having a seat without the risk of unwanted fur being added to their outfit.

Things You’ll Need

  • Squeegee

  • Balloon

  • Rubber kitchen glove

Stroke It Away with a Squeegee

Step 1

This little tool is good for more than just shower doors and car windows. Quick, short strokes across the surface of your couch will remove pet hair in no time.

Stroke It Away with a Squeegee

Use a Balloon’s Static Charge

Step 1

Remember the days as a child when you and your friends would rub a balloon on each other's heads to make your hair stand up? Well, the same cool science applies here. Rub a balloon in small circular motions along your couch's surface and watch the pet fur come right up.

Use a Balloon's Static Charge

Get Hands-On with a Rubber Glove

Step 1

Take the matter into your own hands (literally) with rubber kitchen gloves. The grooves on the surface of the gloves will make that pet hair disappear.

Get Hands-On with a Rubber Glove

Hope you found this in_-fur-_mation helpful. Happy cleaning!


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