Redesign Your Chandelier: From Boring Brass to Beautiful Bronze


Things You’ll Need

  • Spray chandelier cleaner

  • Painter's plastic

  • Painter's tape

  • Metallic spray paint (Rust-oleum Oil Rubbed Bronze was used in this project)

... A change of color updates the entire look. Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Homes built in the 80s and 90s often featured brass fixtures and although functional and still beautiful, they are prime targets for an update. Rather than replace them, why not just bring them into the present with a little paint?

Step 1

... Preparing the chandelier for painting. Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Remove the bulbs and plastic candles. Wrap the electrical bulb receptacles with painters tape.

Step 2

... Wipe the fixture with a cotton cloth after dry. Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Lay a piece of painter's plastic on the floor beneath the fixture. Place a layer of towels directly beneath the chandelier and spray thoroughly with the spray cleaner. The cleaner should drip from the fixture, carrying with it all the dust and dirt. Let the chandelier dry completely.

Step 3

... Plastic draped spray booth is ready for the paint. Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Staple and tape the painter's plastic to the ceiling around the fixture about 4 feet away in all directions. Remove the towels from the floor and put another layer of plastic on the floor covering the entire room. Overlap the ceiling plastic with vertical panels falling from the ceiling to the floor, overlapping the panels of plastic by several feet.

Step 4

... The oil rubbed bronze is more modern looking. Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Wear protective clothing, cover your head, wear safety glasses and a face mask. Step into the plastic tent between overlapping panels and paint the chandelier, being sure to cover every surface in light strokes. Take a break between coats to breath some fresh air. Remove the plastic, replace the candles and bulbs and enjoy your new chandelier!


Wait for the paint dust to settle completely before removing the plastic spray booth.


Wear a painting respirator mask if you have any breathing problems.


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