How to Stop Beer Flatulence


... Beer has been enjoyed for thousands of years, with historic record showing it in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Beer flatulence can turn a fun night on the town into an embarrassing and unpleasant ordeal. Beer flatulence can be the result of the reaction between complex sugars and live yeast found in large quantities in certain unpasteurized or unfiltered brews, such as the German weissbier, cask ales, or home brewed ales. Armed with this knowledge, you can take steps to prevent and eliminate beer flatulence from your list of things preventing you from talking to that cute guy or gal at the bar.

Step 1

Drink light beers and try to avoid complex or heavy beers. Lighter beers contain less complex sugars than heavy beers and less live yeast to bind with those sugars, which should result in less flatulence as your digestive system will be more capable of keeping up with the sugar digestion process.

Step 2

Avoid drinking the sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Although it may carry a strong flavor, it also carries all of the "unfermentable" sugars left over from the brewing process in unfiltered beers.

Step 3

Take a dietary supplement, such as Beano, before you go out drinking.These products increase the production of enzymes that help break down complex sugars that produce gas, thereby reducing your gas output.

Step 4

Moderate your consumption. Drinking less beer slowly can give your body more time to break down the beer before it builds up to critical levels and is released elsewhere in the form of flatulence.

Step 5

Consult with a doctor if your flatulence remains problematic or gets worse. Some people have difficulty processing certain foods and a medical professional should be able to identify the source of your problem and help you to remedy it through prescription medication or, if necessary, surgical procedures.


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