DIY T-Shirt Yarn Fringe Lampshade


Redecorate for free and get rid of some clutter at the same time? Update your space with an inexpensive, no-waste project? Sound too good to be true? Not with this DIY venture. Just find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a stylish fringe shade so your lighting will be as unique as your space.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Things You’ll Need

  • Three t-shirts

  • Rotary cutter and mat

  • Straight edge

  • Lampshade

  • Hot glue gun

  • Sharp scissors

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 1

Cut off the top and bottom of the t-shirt with a rotary cutter.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 2

Use the rotary cutter to cut up the center of the shirt. Leave the sides folded so there are two layers of material.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 3

Cut 1/4-inch strips being sure to stop 1/2-inch from the fold.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 4

Pull on each strip to stretch them out. Repeat with the other half of the t-shirt.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 5

Take the lampshade off the lamp. Run a bead of glue around the inside of the top of the shade. Adhere the folded piece of the t-shirt fringe to the inside of the shade. Continue to glue the fringe to the inside of the shade. You may have to create fringe from two or three more t-shirts depending on the size of the shade.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Step 6

Place the shade back on the lamp. Straighten out the fringe and give it a trim with a sharp pair of scissors. Use the bottom of the shade as a guide.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.

Brilliant way to make your lamp feel new again.

Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade. Find a few old t-shirts that have been hanging around your closet and create a whimsical fringe shade.


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